Narrative Lectionary Key Verse for Today
“To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”
NL Daily Devotion for Monday, May 20, 2024
by R. M. Fergus, Clergy Stuff
“For the common good.” Which means that our spiritual gifts are not for ourselves. If we happen to be gifted with a particularly showy talent, such as public speaking or singing or performing in some way, it’s not just so we can become popular or have influence or capitalize on it in some way. The Holy Spirit shows up and gives each of us potent abilities—some showy, some behind-the-scenes—but all for the sake of serving others.
So much of the language around the early church is about working together, about cooperation vs. competition, about holding property in common and caring for one another’s needs, about following the Way of Jesus, which was about crossing boundaries in order to bring about justice and equity for all people. And yet in the U.S. there is so much stress on individualism we are socialized from infancy to “look out for number one” rather than looking out for our neighbors. It would be good practice to have a discussion in our congregations about how each of us can leverage our particular gifts for the sake of the congregation, yes, but more importantly for the sake of the surrounding community, especially those in need.
What spiritual gift or gifts do I think I have? How do I use it to serve others?