Prayer in Its Many Beautiful Forms
Do people get down on their knees to pray anymore? At church, maybe. But how many of us still practice the art of humble, bent-knee, folded-hand prayer? Ok, maybe you do. But I haven't for a long while. That's not to say I don't pray. It's just that I have many other active forms of prayer that I prefer.
For my formal prayers, I pray in an open position -- standing, hands and/or arms lifted and open. It feels like a powerful way to receive the blessings and presence of God into my whole body.
For less formal prayers, I like to pray when I dance (usually in my kitchen when no one's home). It feels great to lift up my gratitude to God by singing and dancing with unabashed joy! It's like David when he danced in his underwear at the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Israel. (2 Samuel 6)
That being said, there might be something to praying in a more humble posture. It feels awkward and uncomfortable to shrink down when I've spent so many years trying to learn not to shrink. But shrinking before the Lord might be an entirely different experience than being crushed by the people that have spent their time and energy trying to keep me down. Maybe tonight will be the night I give it a go. Join me?
Ephesians 3:14-15
For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth takes its name.